Godly church leaders are responsible to lead God's flock by walking personally with Him and working together to help church members do the same.
God believes leadership of the local church is so important that he addresses the issue in detail 4 times in the New Testament: Acts 20:28-38; 1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9 and 1 Peter 5:1-4.
Emphasis in each list falls upon a leader’s personal character and theological competency. God is primarily interested in who we are and then what we do. We understand that the latter will flow from the former.
These men are the preaching and teaching leaders of our church. A position to be sought but not taken lightly -"Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, for you know that we who teach shall be judged with greater strictness" (James 3:1).

Senior Pastor
Jeff is the leading pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church. He has been married to his wife Charle' since 1993 and they live in Alexandria, Kentucky. Together they have four kids: Jeffery, Nicholas, Arielle, and Logan. He loves Jesus, his family, and caring for his bonsai plants.

Daniel Fessler
Youth Leader
Daniel and his wife Stephanie and their five children (three girls and two boys) currently live in Covington, Kentucky and serve as Youth leaders here at Immanuel.
Daniel's testimony:
I was saved in 2003 at a youth event. The night I was saved was the first night I had ever heard the gospel of Christ. God opened my eyes to see His truth that night. In 2016 while on my second mission trip to Micronesia, God started working on my heart towards full time ministry. This is where my passion for youth originated. My goal as a youth leader is to teach theology and doctrine through expository preaching and to get beyond the milk and to the meat. I am currently a part-time student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Music Pastor/Worship Leader
Joe has been married to his wife Kristin since 2000 and has lead worship at IBC since 2015. They have 3 boys and their hearts desire is to follow Jesus and support their pastor in any capacity they can to see souls saved & people discipled.