Kid's Club
Wednesday night kids club for ages 3-11
Our goal is to use God’s word as the foundation in building up our kids with Biblical principles and equipping them to spread the Gospel of Christ to their friends and families.
This goal is based on our club verse: “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
Romans 12:2
Prison Ministry
At this time we visit one prison, Northpoint Training Center near Danville Kentucky. The primary goal of the ministry is to preach the gospel, specifically the death, burial and resurrection of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ so that souls may be save. We also endeavor to disciple those who have come to this saving knowledge and to encourage them as well to stay strong in the LORD. We do this on a monthly basis when we hold a church service in the IRC (Institutional Religious Center). During this service the inmates lead congregational singing, then we present some special singing followed by the preaching of the Word of God.
For more details on this ministry contact John Schmidt at schmidt@zoomtown.com

Fairhaven Rescue Mission
Fairhaven Rescue Mission is serving the homeless and disadvantaged in the Northern Kentucky/Greater Cincinnati area with Meals, Shelter, and Clothing in a Christ-centered environment. This help is available without charge to any individual regardless of race, color, creed or social standing. Fairhaven relies entirely on voluntary contributions and does not get assistance from any government organization.
We serve physical food to the men, then clean up and set up for church, and then provide spiritual food to them. Food is served at 5:45pm and then church starts about 6:45-7:00pm.
We go down to the Mission on the 3rd Thursday of every month.
Women's Ministry
To encourage women in all seasons of life to connect with each other and develop their relationship with God as passionate followers of Christ through:
Spiritual Growth – to connect women to Christ and to each other through teaching and leading in God’s Word.
Fellowship opportunities and activities for women
Encouragement – initiate mentoring relationships
Service to our church and the community
Caring Hearts – prayer and support to meet needs of women in our community
Contact Charle' Fain for more information